Snap-In Simple Mesh Outliner

Marketplace Link (coming soon)

The **Snap-In Simple Mesh Outliner **was written to be as easy to understand and integrate as possible. No post-processing effects are used or needed with this.

Add the SMO BP to any actor under the mesh and that mesh is ready to be highlighted! Configure outline thickness and color in the default variables when adding. You can also turn on replication with a single check mark!

Ideal for highlighting items for players to pick up or blocks in platformers as the player jumps to them, breakable meshes, interactive NPC’s… etc… etc.


  • Add to any actor that contains meshes
  • Static and skeletal meshes supported
  • Configurable replication (highlight locally or for everyone!)
  • Simply add the BP to any mesh and use the builtin “Start outline” and “Clear outline” to activate
  • Highlight different meshes separately within the same actor
  • Use in VR to show what item the user is going to pick up!
  • No post processing needed
  • Simple, quick and ready to go…

**Total BP: 7 **(4 examples, 1 Snap-In, 1 Lib, 1 Instructions)

Snap-In BP: 1

Highlight Video](Snap-In Simple Mesh Outliner - Highlights - YouTube)
Discord](Thanks Tips!)** -best place for support!**