Smoothing Tool broken after migrating level

I made a level with the landscape tool. Then after migrating my level to another project. The smoothing does not work, instead of smoothing it does this:

Any Ideas why? And how to fix this?

Edit: I just noticed that i receive the following error message when trying to save the level.
“The asset ‘/Game/ExternalActors/Levels/OpenWorld/7/ND/1HYAJXOFD9PAAJNIEUH5JI’ (1HYAJXOFD9PAAJNIEUH5JI.uasset) failed to save.”

Also forgot to mention that i am using 5.1

Once i reopen the project,the landscape is segmented like this:
encircled is what it should look like because I used a Blueprint brush. Once I enter landscape mode, it all looks like it should look.

Do you have two instances of the editor open with the same project at the same time?

This can cause a save error. Look into your Task Manager and see if you have a second unclosed editor instance.

No, i don’t think i have two instances of the editor open. Only this

And the CrashReportClientEditor.

Another thing i noticed. When i open the level, the landscape is weirdly segmented (i edited a picture in my original post.