Smoothing out wandering AI

Hey all! I’ve been working on a little project, trying to improve my knowledge of AI for future projects. You know, simple learning thing.

I am on Unreal 4.5.1, so you have a point of reference

So I got it so it wanders about. It doesn’t really acknowledge anything that isn’t a solid bsp wall (physics objects aren’t noticed by it)

However, when it picks a point, it instantly snaps to it, and goes to the point. It also sharply takes corners, pretty unnatural and robotic. This is a link to how it currently acts.

This is the basic task, it executes first, finds a random point, and thats it.

This is the AI tree. It takes that point, and moves to it

And here is where we get into trouble. The error being thrown is false, I didn’t compile before taking this screenshot. So that error is about target not having a value. When I compile the error goes. But somehow, this crashes the entire engine, editor and all. The crashing started with the addition of the blueprint reference to basic tsk. I’m not quite sure whats going on here.

So how can I smooth out the ai’s movements to give it a bit more of a fluid feel? Such as rounding corners and that sort of thing?

Thank you in advance