I am using 4.4.3 on a Mac and I’m just trying to import a .FBX from 3dsMax.
Everything goes well except the smoothing groups. They don’t show up.
I tested this on a windows too, and on windows the smoothing groups work ok.
Is there an additional step for the mac version of the editor in order to import the smoothing groups ?
How do I get this to work on a mac?
Thank you.
I’m not presently aware of this problem, though someone else might be. Any chance you could provide a demonstration .fbx which shows the issue so we can take a look at it?
I’m so sorry, I just discovered the issue, no need to look into it anymore, sorry for wasting your time.
Glad you solved it! For future visitors it might be best to answer your own question & explain what was up.
I’m the guy working with Unreal Engine and my colleague is the one working with 3dsmax. He works on a windows, I work on a mac. I asked him what he did different, why did it not work the first time. He said that the first time, the .fbx contained 5 separate meshes (the car body and 4 wheels) and they all had smoothing groups but the 5 meshes were not grouped. The second time he gave me the .fbx, he placed the 5 meshes in the same group, and that fixed it.