Smoothing Alpha Edge Solve

I am creating a landscape material based on Substrate with displacement. I need to smooth the mask mathematically somehow. How can I achieve this?

Did you try what’s in the vid?

Hi. Yes I try to simulate function blur
TexCord>channelG/R >offset Left Right Top Dawn/ after this all add but this not work the same on video

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I fear the input image may be beyond help… :thinking:

The example image is highly delineated to start with. Your image is already fuzzed. I think that’s the problem…

Maybe do you know how I can increase the smoothness of my road mask? I can’t increase the texture size beyond 2K.

Right now, I’m using a 2K clamp texture, and I’ve managed to increase the pixel density in this area by about 8 step.

after use clamp and offset

before use Clamp

I see them in the environment, but what are they supposed to be?

Overlay a tiling texture to hide the resolution? It’s common to use an approach like this with height lerps to avoid the low resolution of vertex painting showing through.

like this
Right now edge mask dissolve

Yes, I know, but I need these tire tracks in the snow. If I used ground, it would work. Additionally, this mask participates in creating the displacement for the tracks.

Could use strip of polygons with tiling UVs or try to do some flow map or directionality tricks to determine how to put down the detail, but that seems very excessive.

You mean like this ?
I tried to use spline UV on my track but result worse