Smooth walking transition

Im trying to use Auroras walking animations and I cant get her to start to jog and Jog to stop to work properly. It breaks the animations completely. Ive spent weeks trying to figure this out.

I have Idle/run set up for my character using Auroras animations, but I cant figure out how to make the animations smoother.

how is you locomotion constructed ?
i use different animations but all blends well… here is my idle to walk/run setup

i separated idle and the walk/run blendspace…

retargeted idle from manny5

als animations (walk / run)

you can tune the smooth times in the blendspace… maybe that will do it for you :slight_smile:

hmm can´t make a video now, have to drive to shopping mall but here is the same character

hehe this is a touch / swipe simulation ^^

hope this helps you :slight_smile:

cheers :vulcan_salute:

Hey, sorry. I took a break from unreal as animation was burning me out. I don’t know how to set up those multi-directional animations. I won’t be using this model. I started from scratch again. If you need more screenshots, i can send you more. But I want to know where I can learn blendspace and make animations look nicer and less obvious that they are resetting.

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this dude has a lot of video…

hope it helps you :slight_smile:

cheers :vulcan_salute:

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Yes! This does help! Now I can start using more from a sword animation pack! Thanks!

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no problem :slight_smile: