Smooth transition with exec pin

Is there any solution to get values suppose from 0-1 smooth transition along with execution pin by 3 seconds

And here my limitation is not to use Timeline Animation. But output should be exactly like Timeline or like Data Curve

I tried Data curve but again i need to give some value as input to get output

I need to bring it by Interp nodes or some other things.Give me some clues to find It out

You can sample a curve via Timer + Tick combo.

Or MapRange the elapsed time into any other value range - this will be a linear transition; in this case you’ll get values from -5 to +10 over 3s.

You could use fInterp but when you’re dealing with fixed timing, it makes little sense. And if you were to combine fInterp with a curve, it gets unnecessary convoluted - since you’d be sampling 2 curves at the same time.

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Why can’t you use a timeline, by the way?..

I use similar setups in actor components since components can’t have other components. :expressionless:

Other than that, it’s hard to beat a Timeline…

Inputs i got from my team are Timeline will increase the performance cost

So still i am exploring some other methods to do this type of functionality

Like i wanted to make a reusable node(from blueprint function lib) whenever i call that it should give values from 0-1 in particular time.So that i can use the same node in different classes without making functionality again and again

Correct me if I am wrong and suggest if there is any clues to create functionality like that