Smooth transition between states, odd situation

Hi. Hoping someone could help me figure this out. I have these two states in a state machine below. One is a running blendspace and the other is a shooting animation which also blends the player’s spine to face the enemy. To transition to the weapon_shoot state the player must be in the enemy line of sight.


Because both of these use the IdleRun_BS blendspace, when transistiong to the weapon_shoot state, the IdleRun_BS blendspace resets and plays from the start as seen from the below images. This gives me unpredictable legs jerks when switching between the two states.

Inside the idleRun_BS:

Inside the weapon_shoot:

Is there a way of turning the last frame of the IdleRun_BS state into a variable and setting the starting position of the animation in weapon_shoot state that variable?

Fixed the problem by using Animation montage