Hi, I am doing a Top Down space game, and I need my ship to first smoothly rotate and then go to target position. My problem is that when I use “RInterp to” for smooth rotating it just rotates quickly at start and then slows down. I need the rotation to be consistent from start to finish. Does anyone know how I could achieve it ?
Interp will start fast, then slow right down at the end. That’s how it works.
If you want to have a nice regular rotation, then you can use a timeline:
Notice, with a timeline, you have to fix the start and end points BEFORE going into the timeline. Otherwise you will get very weird results.
There’s also:
And Ease:
And you can also create your own curve and sample that.
But a Timeline does it all, and more… But it may not be ideal since it’s time based, you’d need to set its Play Rate manually; otherwise, rotating 20 degrees will take as long as doing a 180.
What to choose depends on the game mechanics, how simulation-like it’s supposed to be.
Could you explain how the Timeline works to me ? i couldn’t get it to work but it looks good.
This really helps, I think I will use this, but I noticed that there is still a little faster movement at start, but it’s negligible. Thanks for help !
As @Everynone says, it will always take the same amount of time to move. Have you tried RInterpToConst?