Smooth, non-linear camera movement

HI again all!

Ok what would you guys suggest the best (as simple as possible) way to do the following:

  1. Move a camera from point A to point B along a single axis
  2. do so using a smooth nonlinear motion starting at full speed, then a smooth slow down to a halt in say the last 10% of the distance.
  3. happen over the space of a single second. (maybe 2)

As stated single axis movement, points A and B can have different values, tho point B will always be the same travel distance from A (ie always say 100 Unreal Units)

is it possible to use a curve of sorts and how could i apply this to points A and B depending on which values i need?

would be nice if i could create a blueprint function that takes the values and controls the movement at the speed required.


Edit: I would like to avoid event tick where possible but its not a total deal breaker.

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Vinterp is the way. Yes, you do need to use tick :slight_smile:

Even if you use a timeline, you’e actually using tick.

There’s also a ‘ease in / out’ node if you want to change the ‘curve’ ( but that’s only for finterp, so you need to work on one axis at a time ).

Thanks @ClockworkOcean

I was guessing I had to use tick either way in some capacity

And vinterp or finterp was what i kinda expected.

TBH the ease in/out is probably perfect as i do indeed need just the one axis

thanks again will play in the morning with some curve values

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