Smooth movement and camera turn

I’m using the Realistic Rendering scene to learn a bit UE4 and I’m at a pretty good point for me, I was able to do all the basic stuff I needed like blueprints to open doors, to turn on the light and so on.

The main issue that I can’t fix is the camera movement. It’s too harsh for someone not used to FPS and I’d like to find a way to make it smoother. I searched for a week around here and the answerhub but I have just found someone saying to use “Lerp” or “RInterp To” but I have no idea how to use it in this case.

The blueprint I’m using for the movements is this:

What can I do? How should I use those nodes in here?

Thank you.

Ps: I posted a question on the AnswerHub too but I got no answer, if I’ll find a way to make this work I’ll post an answer there.

Hello Ikos, did you find a possibility to get this to work? I want my camera to turn smoothly when my mouse reaches the edges of my screen, and turns faster as i get closer to the screen edges but i have no luck,if you found a way to do so, it would be nice if you answer. thanks in advance! :slight_smile: