Greetings, I would like to report this odd problem I have with my UE4.8 version, I had a camera movement set up based on the Pitch, Yaw and Roll values of the character and smoothed it out with Finterp to get a nice effect, it works fine when run in editor but when launched as a “Standalone Game” the camera won’t move at all (it follows the camera boom though, so I have that basic follow mouvement but just not the mouvement+effect I added) and that’s when I have “Smooth Frame Rate” OFF, when ON it works perfectly. Please, I would like to know if this is reproducible with newer versions of UE if this was a problem at all and not on my end.
PS: I tried tweaking the springArm component in various ways (like changing the substep value or turning it OFF, control rotation, toggling camera lag ON and OFF) but wit no avail.
I have managed to solve the problem, just added an FPS cap set to 120 (don’t know for other values…) with “Execute Console Command” t.MaxFPS 120 (I was getting like 375FPS before on a GTX1070, I don’t have Vsync on for best performance). All in all, it seems like a bug to me, if not, is there a proper explanation to this ?