Smooth camera rotation when dealing with Use Pawn Control Rotation?

Hi, i am making a game in first person using the third person template. When the character is rolling from a fall i uncheck the Use Pawn Control Rotation to give the camera a more realistic rotation, but when i am not rolling i keep it checked. This also creates a visual problem, as the camera snaps to its world rotation from the head’s and is not a smooth one, making it look awful. Is there a script to get and interpolate the camera rotation? Looking forward to your reply!

Hello Xanadron,

I would suggesting using a time line to to lerp between the two positions or to try setting the camera lag up higher during the transition to smooth things out. I hope that this information helps.

Timeline Docs:

Camera lag Docs:

Make it a great day

Thanks for the answer, unfortunately i couldn’t resolve this with neither of them.
I would like to ask you if this script exists in the Content Example maps? If not, could i be provided with a visual representation of this?
Many regards.

You could try using a Lerp (Rotator). One thing to keep in mind when using a lerp is that the alpha only uses numbers from 0-1. I have provided an example below.


In this example I have three variables “Starting Rotation”, “Ending Rotation”, and “Alpha”. You will need to set Starting Rotation and Ending Rotation with the two rotations that you would like to lerp between. The Alpha will need to be set to increment from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 (depending on what direction you will want it to go).


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