Smooth camera rotation instead of snapping to point


Essentially I’m using the mouse wheel to rotate the camera around the player (up is counterclockwise, down clockwise) and I have it functioning, but the way I’m doing it right now means that the camera simply snaps to the next position rather than rotating smoothly. This is the blueprint that I’m using (the other direction is identical just reversed direction)

  1. add a timer or create a function called every tick and use FInterpTo instead to make your camera move a little distance every tick.
  2. add player input to rotate your camera, if you don’t want your character rotate with your camera, in your character’s movement component, uncheck Use Controller desired rotation.

… you could also use a Lerp or Ease with Timline or Interp

you might also consider just adding Spatial and Rotation Lag to your Spring Arm… I think this would be the simplest, best looking and highest performing solution