Smooth blending between ragdoll and animation

I’m trying to blend the death animation with ragdoll.
I play the montage first and trigger the ragdoll using the blend out time.
The problem is, the mesh “jitters” for fraction of seconds, when the ragdoll is triggers.

I can’t find the source of this problem

Is your blend out time set to anything bigger than 0? My only guess is that it’s still applying the animation data to the now ragdolled mesh, causing jitters.

Are you triggering physics to start simulating on your skeletal mesh at the moment the montage blends out? Or are you simulating physics on your skeletal mesh before that?

Often, the moment that physics simulation begins, there can be a jitter across the entire character’s body. The only way I know to avoid that is to start simulating earlier, like at Begin Play, and employ the Physical Animation Component to control how much influence the physics simulation has at any point in time. With this approach, you would simulate all bodies except the root bone early on, set physics blend weight to something low (like 0%), and when you want to ragdoll, you increase the blend weight to 100% and also start simulating physics on your root bone.

In my experience, this allows for buttery smooth transitions into ragdoll, but obviously it comes at a cost of some setup, some complexity, and certainly some additional CPU expense. We’re using this approach in our game, but not just for the sake of smooth ragdoll transitions — we’re doing it so we can have those juicy physics interactions with our character’s body during gameplay.

To sum up, going this route may not be for you, but I thought I’d mention it just in case!

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Thanx Savvy! It’s actually a good idea.
I thought about implementing a function to compare bone rotation/constraint rotation limit at a given animation pose and interpolate if bone rotation(at animation pose) is bigger than contraint limits.
but, I could try your implementation. Thank you!