Smoke And Fire Spline - Niagara Fluids

I’m thrilled to announce my first tool for Unreal Engine Marketplace!! :rocket: Smoke And Fire Spline is a Niagara Fluids system that uses spline as a source of particle emitter to create real-time cinematic visual effects​:boom: :dash:

Features :

  • 12 Niagara Systems
  • 10 Blueprints
  • 8 Example maps
  • 3 Overview maps
  • 67 user pamaters
  • Easy to use

Available at the Marketplace UE:

Take your games and cinematics to the next level!


Hi there @Drzazgowski! Wanted to hop into this thread to say these effects all look rad! Incredibly detailed and polished. Great job! :slight_smile:


Love this Asset. Could we get other VFX styles?

It’s fantastic I’ll need to make use of it :clap: