I am unable to get the “Claim” Node from the “Smart Object Subsystem”. It just does not exist. Anything else in the following UE official tutorial for smart objects is working. I am using 5.3, maybe it has to do with that?
Had this issue today, long story short it has been deprecated and I guess the overview on Smart Objects hasn’t been updated yet for such a recent release of the Engine…not what you wanted to hear I am sure but at least there is an answer.
It suggests using MarkSmartObjectSlotAsClaimed in place of Claim. I haven’t continued yet but plan to try later tonight or tomorrow.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = “SmartObject”, meta = (DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = “Use MarkSmartObjectSlotAsClaimed instead.”))
If you try this way good luck and please do come back with results! Or you could just use 5.1 for the learning if you don’t want 5.2/3 features.
Update: The MarkSmartObjectAsClaimed node works in place of Claim but there are two additions to note for its two input pins:
The Slot Handle input requires you to pull from the Random node of the Out Results array a Break SmartObjectRequestResult and connect the Slot Handle pin from this to the MarkSmartObjectAsClaimed input pin of the same name.
For the user actor input use Get AIController.
One last thing to make this work is in the BTT_UseSmartObject where the Use Claimed Gameplay Behavior Smart Object must be replaced with a Move to and Use Smart Object with Gameplay Behavior, their pins connect the same.
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