Small physics enabled sprite actor has no collision nor overlap with projectile,however larger works

I have a 2d project, where in this instance I have a simple square sprite and a pawn sprite which can spawn projectiles. These projectiles can not collide or generate overlap events with the square sprites (50px X 50px), only when I enlarge them. If I scale them to 5x size, they work fine.

What is causing this, and how can I go around it? I need these sprites in this, or even smaller sizes, with the collision working. I even tried creating a BP for this sprite, with a collision box too, but the same thing happens.

Actually, this is the case with any small sprite, regardless of enabling physics

Are they colliding? check to see if they are on the same yaxis while spawning on map. I had an issue where certain overlap events wouldnt trigger and found it was because they weren’t actually overlapping, as some objects where to far in the back while others were in the far front, however since its 2D, they looked liike they would. while looking at the map make sure that when you click on a character or pawn sprite, in the details tab they are all set to the same y-axis. for me, all my things are set to 100 with stuff in the background (mountain sprites and background trees) are set to 99, and stuff that should appear in front of the character are set to 101. if the pawn sprite is set to say, 50, and your player pawn is set to 150, and the hitboxes aren’t wide enough, they will not actually collide.

Everything is at the same “depth”. I dont think it is a this kind of problem, as everything is fine when I scale up the sprite, and I think scaling by itself should not affect the collision settings or the offset of the pivot.

I created a fresh project which solved the problem…