Hello all,
Experienced with 3D scanning (artec / nextengine) i am amazed about RC, this evening just before dark i took 34 images of a sculpture in our village, it was more in a rush and done by with my nokia930.
I am amazed about the result and as literally “standing with the feets in the mud” i took a guess on some parameters (as i dont understand a few of them) and i think it came pretty neat result.
The only thing, plenty parameters, but where can i find the explanation of all of these.
Just what it is and does in brief description. Do you have a pdf with all these??
RC rocks…
Thanks in advance
Ruud Hogenberg
Hi Ruud,
we are glad you like RealityCapture and we hope we will keep you like it more and more 
We will be releasing full documentation with the next update. But I cannot say that!
Looking at the above image I sometimes get the same where there are residual lines heading upwards. Why is this
stevenramsey123 wrote:
Looking at the above image I sometimes get the same where there are residual lines heading upwards. Why is this
Residuals are differences between the actual coordinates of the control points and the coordinates predicted by the model created using the control points. Each of these orange lines connects an actual coordinate point to its predicted counterpart.
So why do sometimes they go all the way in to the sky and others are short. Is that to do with inherent GPS coordinitaes attached to the images.