hi, I have a small feature request because at the moment there is no way of importing LOD’s, let me explain, you see to my knowledge there is no way to setup a model in blender with LOD’s so that the LOD’s are exported into the same FBX file as the main model, so you end up with one FBX file containing the main mesh and an additional FBX file for every LOD. I can set up the LOD meshes in separate layers in blender so they all export to the same FBX file but then when I import I end up with multiple static meshes, I suppose it could be possible if there was some kind naming convention like there is for collision meshes and then on import tick the “combine meshes” button on the import settings but that doesn’t exist.
I read in the documentation that I could import the LOD’s with a model or individually using the “import LOD” button but there isn’t one or I missed it. so to my request…
…would it be possible to get the “import LOD” button back in the static and skeletal mesh viewer?
Hi Michael,
Importing LODs is done when first importing the model with LODs. I am not completely familiar with Blender’s FBX exporting workflow, but other modeling programs require the LODs be placed in special kinds of LOD groups/sets instead of the usual layers. Unfortunately, I was unable to find details on LOD creation and blender.
I submitted a feature request for bringing back a simple way to import in LODs to meshes from the editor. Thank you for your report. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.
thank you for submitting my request, I did a lot of googling and experimenting to see if blender could export LOD’s with the main mesh into the same file but it doesn’t seem to be possible, everything else for static and skeletal meshes can exported from blender into one FBX file, its only the LOD’s that cant be.
there Is one thing you can assist me with, if I change the size of the tools buttons to small and save the layout every time I start rocket the icons are sill small but if I create a new project when rocket restarts the icons are big again, is this a bug because I would have thought it would keep the layout and settings I chose?
Hey Michael,
Your layout settings are attached to your preferences which are a part of the uproject file, that’s why it changes back to the default when you create a new project. If you open the old project, the settings should be the same.