Small Cliffs and several level islands on the mesh model

Triying several times to finish this rug with good quality imputs during last 3 days and I am not able to close the mesh properly, also it’s not completely flat on the xy axes, almost there but about to jump of the window.

Does enyone know something to solve it, I have tried several alignments with diferent settings… there are almost 800 images aligned from 900.

Have this happened to someone before? Appreciate some light in here.

Hi Carlos,
this is a result of wrong alignment. How do look the aligned images. Is the rug covered regularly?
What could help here is using the control points in those wrong aligned areas.

Hi Ondrej, 

The holes and level problems appear also on the parts where the point cloud genereted after the elignement is also dense. 

Yes it might be an alignment problem, so adding manually control points could be the solution? 

I have done in other scans with stikers but in those imputs there are no stikers so it would be a very tedious work to add control point manually, is there automatization to add control points? 

Thank you for your help



It could be dense but it really depends on the way, how it is aligned.

Yes, using control points could help. But they have to be placed on more images (the good and bad aligned). Best way could have them with measured coordinates. Now it is not possible to do it automatically. For it you should have placed the targets before image capturing.

Can you show how aligned images in 3D view look?

It’s a new alignment not corresponding with the first image but it was similar

Maybe when I do new imputs I can put a big ruller on the side and targets on the rug. 


Em I have thinked of puting some little cubes or something with volume so maybe it help  to correct locate the xy axis? And maybe the alignement looks flat as it should… just wandering 

It seems like there is unnecessary many images. You can watch this tutorial: how to capture images. In your case you can do perpendicular and tilted images with around 75% overlap from two different distances. Your images look a little bit noisy for me. Yes, ruller and targets could also help here and the cubes, as you won’t be capturing just flat area.

Good, thanks for the tips, I will keep trying with these methods.