Please help us with our asset, I need some advise on how to fix this error.
All the textures are unlinked from our materials and we get the error [SM5] (Node TextureSampleParameter2D) Param2D> Found NULL, requires Texture2D
Both in the Master material and material instances. Also, we’ve made sure to fix up all the redirectors, build the project, and fully save each material and instances. The problem mostly occurs after we’re saving and quitting and then reopening the project after a day - all materials are broken.
I submit a project in UE marketplace. Our status is changes needed, but in PDF there are no textures errors mentioned. So that means in there everything works correctly, that’s means something happened to my project,
Are you storing the textures that are used inside these materials in a folder that is within the project content folder or are they on an external drive / network drive?
Thanks again,
But we deleted intermediate and saved folders from the project (the other two didn’t exist in the project folder) and still the materials weren’t recovered. Attached we’re sending the screenshots of errors we’re receiving and the project on how it looks. This is the 4th time already we’re losing the textures on materials and it doesn’t matter which PC we’re using. Still the same.
Are the textures physically disappearing from your content folder? Do you have the texture uasset files present in the content folder when this happens or are they deleted?
Also try switching SM_Z_A_skyscrapper’s mobility to static to get rid of the pre-shadow error. It it is a instanced static mesh component then switch that also to static.
The big problem is - textures are present in the project. We’ve even tried to fix the parameters by rechoosing the texture in parent material. But after that material instances are still not working. So it doesn’t solve any issue for us.