SlowMotion FPS Template for Unreal Engine

Hey Everyone I have just published my SlowMotion FPS Template on Fab Marketplace. Which is a SlowMo shooter inspired by Superhot Game. So if you want to speed up your game and make slowmo shooter then you can check out that here :

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I’ve been interested in developing a Multiplayer SUPERHOT/UBERCOLD. Any Multiplayer planned? Is there a video demo of TimeFlow available?

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For now i do not plan to do multiplayer because of busy life. There is demo link on store page, you can check it out. The trailer is under progress, might upload it tomorrow or next day.
Thank you for your interest

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what ? i didn’t understand.

ACTION HERO is an example of a game that can be developed with TimeFlow FPS Template!

well it is vr but ye you can do things that were in gameplay. btw have you checked demo of TimeFlow ? here is the demo link - Google Drive. after playing demo you will get the idea how it is and if you want it or not.

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