Slow rendering on powerful PC

I'm having some trouble rendering out a short video and would appreciate some help.

I have a scene with about 20 lights, no HDRI and the environment settings set to 0 (to produce a black background).

There isn't much going on and the settings are not set to very high, however the render time for a 20s video is 4h

the scene is one large screen 15.5m x 4m with a few walls and some animated people.

I need to do a short video in ray traced mode to show off the video content.

Any thoughts on how to reduce the render time as i know 4h means something is set up incorrectly?

I am using a powerfull pc with:

Ryzen 9 5950x

RTX 3090 24GB

64gb RAM

Remember that very bright and very dark scenes need much more time to render! Also check your video resolution (maybe 4K?) and frame rate.

That's totally common for path tracer. I'd do 10 second video renders of 4k clips and it would be 12 - 16 hours.

Have you tried a Lumen render in 2023.2?

I was hoping this was the solution for quicker video renders, but it keeps crashing on me. See thread below.