Hi there. I would like to implement the ability to go into Slow Motion when Left Ctrl is held. I also want the post processing to turn bluish when in slow motion. If anyone can help please do. Thank You!
to accomplish the slow motion you will need to use the time dilation node this can slow and speed up time. [Tutorial link][1].
To change the post process you need to get a reference to it then set its settings. (like in the picture below). you will need to get a make post process node. select the make post node and in the details panel you will look for colorgrading then scene color tint and make that a pin. then just set it up similar to whats in the picture.
the picture below just shows the individual components of how to accomplish the two tasks how you trigger them is up to you. hope this helps get you started and let me know if you need more help
Thanks but I have one problem. I cannot seem to find the “Set” node you used to connect them all together. Are you able to help me out? Thanks
you need a reference to your post process volume then drag off that and search for set settings.
also you probably dont need the delay that you have there
I know this probably sounds stupid, but i’m not sure how to get the reference??
the easiest way is to work in the level blueprint in this case. just select the post process volume in your level, then go into the level BP and right click on the graph and you will see create reference to ____ (the blank will be whatever your post process is called.
you could also do this script in your player character bp and instead of changing the post process you could change the settings on the camera. the only issue doing it this way is im not sure that it will affect all players, actually i believe it wont so it may not work in multiplayer.
Yep Works perfectly now. Thank you so much for helping me out!