I am wondering if per actor time dilation will work for a slow motion effect in a limited radius. Using a sphere collision with overlaps, can I just edit the actor’s custom time dilation in order to cause slow motion effects within it’s radius? Or will I just have to edit velocities and create other personal solutions?
I would have to test it to know for sure, but it should work fine.
I would test it, just not able to be at any good PC at this time. If you would test that for me, that would be great, thanks.
Actually i made a quick actor with sphere that slows all overlaping actors and set them back to normal on end overlap, then threw it into my current project, a dungeon crawler, it works fine as long as no component of the actor stops overlapping or gets it’s collision turned off, so their might be edge cases where something wont work as intended but with a little tweaking im sure it will be fairly easy thing to do. If you run into any issues you cant seem to figure out with the idea feel free to post a question.
Hey, thanks man! Up your comment to an answer and I’ll mark it. Thank you for finding that out for me!!
Actually one thing my team realized recently is that instead of checking for actor overlaps, we should check for component overlaps with specific tags, that way we don’t run into issues where an actor can get hit by something more than once just because he has more than 1 collider. So what you could do is have the main collider on anything you want to be effected have a tag like Slowable, and then inside of the sphere still do OnComponentBeginOverlap, but check for the overlapping component instead of the actor, while looking for that tag. Just make sure that the collider you are using with that tag has Overlap events turned on as well as collider you are using for the overlap checks and the slowing collider set to Collision Query Only.