I’m wondering if others have slow download speed from the Epic launcher? I can download from other providers/ websites at over 10MB/s but get a max of about 1MB/s from Epic launcher.
Does anyone know of a fix? Given I can’t use the UE4 editor until it’s finished it is a bit of a hindrance. I’m based in Australia so maybe no close servers? It looks to install as it goes. Does this impact total time? I’ve tried other “fixes” from adding exceptions to the firewall and changing the parameters in the Engine.ini file. But none of it made any difference.
I was testing on some game downloads also, where earlier I was getting about 600kB/s, I’m now getting average 13MB/s, which is pretty well my max speed.
I’m not sure what has changed, I haven’t reset or changed anything. Maybe something buggy about Epic’s server? High load on an Australian server so I was put on an international one?
It would be good to know why and if there is something that can be done to fix this.
I haven’t really paid attention to the speed but the UE4 updates tend to download slower than games would, possibly because it’s more information being processed.
me too… when i used just my old isp, dwnld was turtle slow… but when i turned the vpn on, i went at my max speed… servers location maybe…
Slow? Lol, where I am here in Pa, 1 MB/s is fast. I’m dealing with about 5-10 kb/s right now lol. Just like in 1999.