I’ve gotten the Unreal Editor setup and running on Linux without any major issues, but when it comes to compiling a project it seems to completely recompile everything every time I make any changes which results in compile times upwards of half an hour, compared to Windows where it’ll take take a couple of minutes at most, which leads me to believe that something is misconfigured or I’m doing something wrong.
I’m currently using Unreal Engine on Arch Linux with an AMD FX 8350 (8x4 Ghz) with 16 GB of ram and a GTX 970, which isn’t exactly new but seems to do the trick on Windows.
I’ve basically started up an empty project and added a new character class and after that I’ve clicked on compile, which on Windows doesn’t take all that long.
Are you comparing a source editor build on Linux vs an installed build on Windows?
Are you moving the location of the Linux editor once you build it? This will cause issues with intermediate files from paths generated from GenerateProjectFiles. Is it recompiling all actions or just re-linking a bunch of stuff on Linux?
Yeah, on Windows I use an installed build, while on Linux I just followed the [Linux Quick Start][1] guide. I haven’t moved the build on Linux and just started the UE4Editor binary in Engine/Binaries/Linux/ I’ve also tried to follow [How to Set up Qt Creator for UE4][2] and built it that way, but it didn’t seem to make a difference.
I don’t have the exact console output right now, but I’d say it’s definitely recompiling everything.
Edit: I’ve just switched to 4.23 and it seems like the compile time is now as fast as it is on Windows
I’ll have to admit that it might not be the different version and rather that I forgot that I actually did move the project at the beginning from one hard drive to another. I did rerun all the setup steps but maybe that wasn’t enough.
[1]: Linux Quick Start | Unreal Engine Documentation
[2]: How to Set up Qt Creator for UE4 | Unreal Engine Documentation