Slot machine games


I would appreciate if you could let me know whether Unreal is available for regulated land-based casino games.

Best regards,

The EULA prohibits gambling uses. But you can inquire about a custom license.

Where did you get that?

1a. Non-Engine Products - You may
Distribute Non-Engine Products to any
third party. “Non-Engine Product”
means a Product made using the
Licensed Technology that does not
include any Engine Code or any Paid
Content Distributed in uncooked source
format (in each case, including as
modified by you under the License) and
does not require any Engine Code
(including as modified by you under
the License) to run. For example, and
subject to the foregoing, you may
freely Distribute non-interactive
linear media products (e.g., broadcast
or streamed video files, cartoons,
movies, or images) rendered using the
Engine Code, and asset files (other
than UE-Only Content) developed or
used with the Engine Code, including
in products that use or rely on other
video game engines. For clarity, this
section does not constitute a license
under any patents, copyrights,
trademarks, trade secrets or other
intellectual property rights, whether
by implication, estoppel or otherwise.

General Restrictions

You may not engage in any activity
with respect to the Licensed
Technology, including as incorporated
into a Product, (1) that violates any
applicable law or regulation; (2) that
results in the Licensed Technology
being rented or leased; (3) that
misappropriates any of Epic’s other
products or services; (4) for the
purpose of supporting a claim by you
or any third party that the Licensed
Technology infringes a patent; or (5)
that results in a Distribution of a
Product or the Licensed Technology in
any manner other than what is
permitted by Section 1(A). You also
may not sell or grant a security
interest in the Licensed Technology.

I don’t see any such restriction in the EULA.
As long as it’s legal gambling, it should be just as okay as any other legal thing you can make with it.