so ive been trying to make a sliding door for a couple days now, watching several videos and copying what they do but each time it dosent work, could someone please help?
Not if we have to guess what the problem is
Can you show the code?
hi sorry im new, but heres the blueprints
the timeline is set to go 250 untis from its postion, and the door works opening but it breaks whenever i add the “on component end overlap” it breaks either closing from where its supposed to open too or just dissappear
Can you show what’s in the timeline? Thanks
If you make the curve in the TL go from 0-1, this will raise the door 250 units
But if you need to move in X or Y, of course it’s a bit different.
Also, this assumes the door is at 0,0,0 in the blueprint.
i basically have no idea what your talking abbout cause i just got into unreal engine and i dont understand things yet but this is what i have in my timeline ive just copied what the people have done in there videos but they dont work
Ok, I see the problem.
Your TL goes from 0-1, and you’re plugging that straight into a vector position ( it’s getting converted here )
The system is -probably- assigning that to X? But it’s still only a movement of 1 unit. You’re not going to notice it.
If you keep that 0-1 and put my code on the outside, it will work.
its alright haha i found another video which i copied what he did and it worked this time surprisingly but thank you for your help anyway
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