I created a Class Blueprint sliding door that works very well. After modifying the Directional Light I noticed a gap between the two doors (Double Door). In the Viewport (component view) of the blueprint I dragged the door a little to close the gap. When I test the gap is no longer present. As soon as the door opens and closes the gap remains. I have tried modifying the start location variable and tried re-adding the component to the graph via deleting it and dragging it back onto the graph thinking it will take the new location. I also tried “Refresh node”.
Thanks is advance
I assume by the BP that your door will always open and close fully as you have nothing plugged in to Stop.
I would play from Start, not just play. And reverse from End, not just reverse.
See how that goes?
Thanks. I tried that but still same issue.
From what I understand, it seems the problem is that I modified the door’s relative location and it’s not being updated. I quickly tried the same with a single sliding door and was able to replicate the problem. I also tried the Get Relative Location node but that did not work. I need to update the relative location somehow. ?
Did you Modify you Door Start and end when you did this?
How do you get these variables?
When I created the Class Blueprint I did modify the start and end location, these can be seen on the screen capture “1 BP_Graph_DoubleDoor”. When I modified the BP to compensate for the gap I initially did not modify the start and end locations, I just dragged the door.
I got the variables by promoting the A/B connectors on the Lerp node.
Thanks for your help.
So is it working?
If not there may be another way to do it.
Still not working. I have now recreated it from scratch using my available meshes. Although I now have a working double door, if I experience a similar problem again my only solution would seem to be recreating the BP. I suggest the question remains open.
I would personally make it different,
But not every one uses the same technique.