I’m sorry for asking, but what exactly do you want? To make it easier to use? More universal or just workable?
We’re mostly not English here)
You can check objects in front of you by casting a trace (better sphere in your case) from camera to some distance further. You can check all hit objects for specific names (for ex. button).
Hi All,
On my project i have many sliding door. But i have trouble making what i want exactly. Mush of the tutorial i’v seen are for automatic door and such, or even use Matinee. Even if it’s easier and quicker. I don’t want to overload the project Blueprint with doors script.
So This is what i try to get :
1- Player open the door by pressing action button while looking to the switch.
2- Door open with sound
3- Player can close the door by pressing again the switch or run away and the door close automaticaly
Adding to that, i wish to add a littl option to the door, make them lockable, i mean there’s a lot of door that lead nowhere for the moment, because i haven’t made the room behind. And also i wish to add a inventory system so the player would have to look for the key. So is it possible to make a thing so the door is locked.
And her is the script i’ve done :
So basicaly the door open even if you don’t look at the switch, and it can’t be closed manually. The door close only if you get ou of the collision Box.
I also have another door wich is a double door. And i haven’t yet make it work.
Sorry if i’m not clear in what i ask, 'im french and my english isn’t perfect.
Basically, i don’t know how to make that you have to look at the button to make it work. I wan’t to keep the blueprint way because i also want to be easy to place on a new map.
this sounds odd but works great… put a small collision capsule in your character blueprint… like i did on my drone…
place all your script for the door inside of your character blueprint. the capsule needs to be in front and at the distance required… it will only be active when facing the door,
Do you still need any help?