Hey folks
I’m using Unreal Engine 4.12.5 and I face the problem that sliders in UMG can’t be used.
What works: Clicking on the track to set the value
What doesn’t work: Dragging the thumb
This should be reproducable, I tried it on many projects and all have the same issue.
I was able to reproduce the issue that you are running into on our end. However, after further investigation, I found that it was just hard to click, this is due to a known issue (UE-25750) that deals with the slider handle having incorrect clipping when at 0 or 1. This and that you will need to make sure that the input mode is set to focus UI (example set input mode UI only). This issue appears to have been resolved internally and the solution will be available in a later release of the engine. I hope that this information helps.
Sorry to bump this post, I will like to ask is this issue applying only to slider widget or to other similar widgets that involve dragging mechanics like Spinbox ? Thank you !
I had this problem today, and found this thread. What i figured out, is that when applying the “set input mode to game & UI” node, the currently held slider is released. Meaning you should not activate this node in a timeline, tick, or other loop because it will prevent slider functionality.
In my opinion, this should be mentioned when hovering over the node in BP.