Slider Mouse Sensitivity reset

guys, how do I make the settings set in the menu (mouse sens) stay there when I return to the menu? because every time I close the menu and reopen, the mouse slider returns to the initial position

You create the Options Widget on BeginPlay inside the Playercontroller and save it as a Widget Blueprint Object Reference Variable. Now when opening your Options Menu, you just get this Variable and add it to the viewport or remove it from the parent, but never create the Menu again and again!

I have that…
I see in a comentary in youtube how to do this…
but I couldn’t

the comentary says:
Had the same problem. Get “mouse sensitivity slider” value, drag and get “set value”, and connect “mouse sensitivity value” to “input value”

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Why are you removing it from the parent immediatly after adding it to the viewport?

everything is fine, resolution settings and everything else saves… what I still can’t save is just the setting that was left on the mouse