Sleeve option for helicopter targeting system

I’m trying to make a view sleeve (Ground Lock) so that the sensors on the nose of the helicopter “look” at a point in the terrain (just like in the first video). Additionally, I would like it to be possible to change the position of this point after turning on this mode. I thought that I would add a Static Mesh Component to the helicopter blueprint, which I called “Ground Lock Target”, and when I pressed the button, I would place this mesh on the ground in the place where the sensor “looks”. Later, somehow (I don’t know how yet) I will control this mesh, and it will be the point at which the sensors look.
First problem - setting the mesh location using the “set world location” node, and then using the “get world location” node to recall the location of this mesh to set the sensors Yaw/Pitch, does not work as I thought - after turning on the “Ground Lock” function it looks as if the sensor’s Yaw/Pitch are simply blocked (second video).
It works as it should after using “target location” to sey the sensors Pitch/Yaw, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to figure out how to control it.
The first screenshot shows the input functions for “Ground Lock”. Now there is a “sphere trace for object” but I tried line trace, with various options: ignore self, trace complex - the same effect.
The interface message remains after testing - whether it is there or not - the effect is the same - it does not work.
Generally, the entire system works in such a way that the mouse directs the sensors, they shoot a line trace, at which the “impact point” is directed by the cannon, and the Static Mesh Component “target” is located, at which the guided missiles are guided. Ideally, it would be possible to use this “target” mesh for what I want to do, but it would probably loop the entire function.
I will be greatfull for any help.