Slate's virtual keyboard not showing up


I am trying to make the built-in virtual keyboard show up, but haven’t succeeded yet. I have a HUD class in C++ that extends from UUserWidget and that has a Blueprint subclass where higher level elements are set up. There I have an EditableTextBox (the UMG subclass of UEditableTextBox) that I want to link with the built-in virtual keyboard (so that when the editable text box has the focus the virtual keyboard is popped up).

To make the virtual keyboard show up, according with the C++ API, we must call FSlateApplication’s ShowVirtualKeyboard function.

I’ve set up a function in my HUD class to show the virtual keyboard, but it isn’t working yet. This is a version of the function that takes no parameters. It is reached (checked with debugging), but doesn’t show the keyboard on the screen. Notice that this doesn’t pass a widget to receive the keyboard’s input, which is an optional parameter for the FSlateApplication’s function (when nullptr is passed, it just creates the widget internally).

void MyHUD::ShowVirtualKeyboard()
	FSlateApplication::Get().ShowVirtualKeyboard(true, 0/*optional text entry slate widget parameter is nullptr, so the function will internally create one*/);

This is another version of the function, in which I pass an EditableTextBox widget from UMG to link it to the virtual keyboard. The code below casts the passed UMG widget down to a Slate’s text entry widget, the required type of argument. It doesn’t show the virtual keyboard neither, it compiles fine but it crashes the Editor (saying that there are not enough debug symbols to tell the exact place where SlateCore crashed; the logs do not give any useful information neither). I am a bit of a newbie with dealing with shared pointers (required in the FSlateApplication’s function call), but the debugger doesn’t show any nullptr in these lines that would make obvious what the crash reason is (can’t debug the internal SlateCore code to track down the crash cause).

void MyHUD::ShowVirtualKeyboard(UWidget* TextEntryWidget)
	TSharedPtr<SWidget> WidgetSharedPtr = TextEntryWidget->TakeWidget();

	SWidget* WidgetPtr = WidgetSharedPtr.Get();

	SVirtualKeyboardEntry* VirtualKeyboardEntryPtr = (SVirtualKeyboardEntry*)WidgetPtr;

	IVirtualKeyboardEntry* IVirtualKeyboardEntryPtr = (IVirtualKeyboardEntry*)VirtualKeyboardEntryPtr;

	FSlateApplication::Get().ShowVirtualKeyboard(true, 0, MakeShareable(IVirtualKeyboardEntryPtr));

Do you have any guesses on why the virtual keyboard isn’t showing up in neither of the two versions of the functions or why it might be crashing in the second one?

Thank you.

Maybe someone has an example of calling the keyboard manually? I can’t figure it out
TSharedPtr<IVirtualKeyboardEntry> TextEntryWidget