Slate UI - why isn't SButton obeying size?

Learning slate C++ UI and I’m curious why the following isn’t working as expected.

I am imagining a Button that is auto-sized width but is a fixed height of 100 units alongside a green image of 200x200.

For some reason the button overrideheight isn’t working though. It’s height is instead autoresized to the text size. What am I missing?

TSharedRef<SDockTab> FHeightmapPluginModule::OnSpawnPluginTab(const FSpawnTabArgs& SpawnTabArgs)
	return SNew(SDockTab)
			// Put your tab content here!
				+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
					SNew( SBox )
						SNew( SButton )
						.ForegroundColor( FLinearColor::Gray )
						.Text( LOCTEXT( "GenerateHeightmap", "Generate Heightmap" ) )
						.OnClicked_Raw( this, &FHeightmapPluginModule::OnBrowseClicked )
					.HeightOverride( 100 )
					.HAlign( HAlign_Fill )
					.VAlign( VAlign_Top )
				+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
					SNew( SImage ).Image( new FSlateColorBrush( FColor::Green )).DesiredSizeOverride( FVector2D( 200, 200 ))