[Slate,Steam] How do I use SFriendsList and the FriendsAndChat Module?

Dear Josh,

#Thank You For The Awesome Online Subsystem!

I currently have implemented my own custom Friends List and chat system!

So I have completely non-Steam looking implementation of the Steam Friends List!

Here’s the core code I deduced from your OSS test files like


and the Test Friends Interface!

//Get Epic's Generalized Implementation of an Online User's Presence on the Net!
const FOnlineUserPresence&  FriendPresence = (*FriendsListPtr)[v]->GetPresence();


//Playing This Game?

Here’s a picture!

In my game people can simply double click on the names of friends to invite/join their game!

Green = online, faded = offline, and I highlight the friend the cursor is on :slight_smile:


#Steam Wiki tutorial

I also made a Steam wiki tutorial to get people started with the Steam API / dlls etc!

#Have fun today Josh!

