Slate standalone program question

Been messing around with doing a slate standalone program, looking to see how it could be possible to do a game launcher using slate.

Based on SlateViewer I am at this moment pretty set on how to create a standalone program with all the high level functions. But it seems like everything is done through the tab manager.

Is it possible to have just one widget in a window without tabbing?
Is the idea of building a launcher with Slate to much of a task? To me it seems like I need to dig deep in the slate api for this.
Just some pointers to where I should look could help quite a bit already.

Okay, replied to my own question:

It is possible to create a new window and add it to the current slate application:

TSharedRef<SWindow> MainWindow =
	.ClientSize(FVector2D(800, 600))


You just need you’re loop after this. Actually pretty straight forward.