Slate SOverlay can we remove indivisual slots?

Hello every one…

I first initialize a overlay slot and later add items to it with some thing like this.

			.Padding(FMargin(0, 0, 3, 0))
				SAssignNew(QuickSlotUI, SQuickSlotFrameWidget)

To remove the slot, I use something like this

if (MainInventoryUIContainer.IsValid())

But, it only removes the top most slot only. Is it possible to assign the slots to a variable and remove only a particular slot?

//////////////////////////////// Edit


The addslot takes an index which gives the height where the slot is created


When you remove the slot, you need to provide the index and all slots with that height are deleted.


While you can use the ZOrder to distinguish between different slots, note that most multislot panels have a RemoveSlot overload that accepts a widget ref. For SOverlay:

void SOverlay::RemoveSlot( TSharedRef<SWidget> Widget )

The general idea is that if you’re dynamically adding and removing a widget, then most likely you’ll want to keep a reference to said widget in order to interact with it. Having a reference, you can use the widget overload.

Also, note that for complex use cases, you can also interact with the FChildren array directly. For instance, here’s how I iterate over the items in an inventory grid:

TPanelChildren<SGridPanel::FSlot>& GridSlots = *(TPanelChildren<SGridPanel::FSlot>*)InventoryGrid->GetChildren();
for( int32 s = GridSlots.Num()-1; s >= 0 && GridSlots[s].LayerParam > LAYER_BACKGROUND.TheLayer; --s )

Thanks for the reply…

How do I assign a slot while adding the slot?

Will something like this work?

NewSlot = MainInventoryUI.Get()->InventoryOverlay.Get()->AddSlot()

You shouldn’t need to – despite its name, the overload takes a SWidget, not a slot. So keep the SAssignNew you already have:

.Padding(FMargin(0, 0, 3, 0))

	SAssignNew(**QuickSlotUI**, SQuickSlotFrameWidget)

QuickSlotUI is the reference you would want to pass to RemoveSlot:

if (MainInventoryUIContainer.IsValid())

Okay… So it basically checks the hierarchy up-to the slot and removes it?

Exactly. It just iterates over the slot array until it finds the widget you gave it, then removes that slot from the array.