[Slate] SComboBox doesn´t update laben OnSelectionChanged()

Hey guys,

I´m having a hard time understanding Slate and its update behaviour in an editor plugin.

I have a SComboBox which shows a few categories. If I choose another option my OnSelectionChanged
event gets fired but the label on the checkbox doesn´t update.

Am I missing something how Slate draws itself? Do I need to “redraw” the UI?

If anybody can guide me to a proper guide on how to setup a Editor Window which has a lot of dynamic changes I will be forever grateful.
Having a hard time to find good documentation for Slate in the editor.

Example code:

void SCategoryComboBox::Construct(const FArguments& Args, std::vector<Category> categories)

			.OnSelectionChanged(this, &SCategoryComboBox::OnSelectionChanged)
			.OnGenerateWidget(this, &SCategoryComboBox::MakeWidgetForOption)

void SCategoryComboBox::OnSelectionChanged(TSharedPtr<Category> newSelection, ESelectInfo::Type)
	SelectedCategory = newSelection;

TSharedRef<SWidget> SCategoryComboBox::MakeWidgetForOption(TSharedPtr<Category> inOption)
	return SNew(STextBlock).Text(FText::FromString(inOption->Name));

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Still couldn´t figure it out. Bump!

having same code and same propblem in 2025

SComboBox doesn’t update the text automatically. You need to update the text yourself when selection changes. Use SAssignNew to store a reference to the text when constructing the widget. Then set its text when selection changes.

Tank you mate, i used textlambda to update it