Slate - How to setup absolute widget position in Viewport.

I have this code:

// Copyright 1998-2016 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#include "FloatingCombatText.h"
#include "STextBlock.h"
#include "SConstraintCanvas.h"
#include "SFCTItem.h"

void SFCTItem::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
	PositionDel.Bind(this, &SFCTItem::GetPosition);
	AccumulatedLifeTime = 0;
			+ SConstraintCanvas::Slot()
					.Text(this, &SFCTItem::GetText)
void SFCTItem::Tick(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime)
	FVector2D Pos;
	Pos = Position;// AllottedGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(Position);
	LocalPos = Pos;
	if (GetVisibility() == EVisibility::Visible)
		AccumulatedLifeTime += InDeltaTime;
		if (AccumulatedLifeTime > 3)
void SFCTItem::ShowWidget(const FVector& Location) const
	FVector2D OutScreenPos;
	if (PlayerController.IsValid())
		PlayerController->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(Location, OutScreenPos);
FText SFCTItem::GetText() const
	return FText::FromString("Sample Text");
FVector2D SFCTItem::GetPosition() const
	return LocalPos;

It’s widget I want to setup position in space.

And here is code for manager widget:

// Copyright 1998-2016 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#include "FloatingCombatText.h"
#include "SFCTContainer.h"

void SFCTContainer::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
	PC = InArgs._PC;
	PoolSize = InArgs._PoolSize;
	//ItemCanvas = SNew(SCanvas);

	for(int32 Idx = 0; Idx < PoolSize; Idx++)
		TSharedPtr<SFCTItem> NewItem = SNew(SFCTItem);


void SFCTContainer::ShowText(const FVector& Position, const FString& TextIn)
	if(ItemsPool.Num() > 0)
		FVector2D OutPosition;
		PC->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(Position, OutPosition);
		FSlateRenderTransform NewTransform(5, OutPosition);
		ItemsPool[0]->Position = OutPosition;
		ItemsPool[0]->AccumulatedLifeTime = 0;

I want to set absolute position in viewport for SFCTItem . After 3 days of trying I can honestly say I have no idea what doing anymore.
I know it’s quite trivial to do in UMG, but I for the sake of science I want to do it in Slate.

If I remember correctly, after + SConstraintCanvas::Slot(), try this:
.Offset(TAttribute<FMargin>::Create(TAttribute<FMargin>::FGetter::CreateSP(this, &SFCTItem::GetPosition, i)))
and GetPosition must return FMargin

If that doesn’t do it, just look for examples in the engine sources, there’s plenty of them.