Slate Audio Playback when inside an Attenuation Audio Gameplay Volume

I am stumped by an issue where a sound asset being played back as a Slate sound (as part of a button press definition in a button style as defined in a UMG) is having audio gameplay volume settings applied.

  • In our game, it is possible to access a vending machine inside a building, therefore inside an audio gameplay volume with an Attenuation Volume defined.
  • When clicking on the buy button, the buy “cha-ching” sound has it’s volume set to 0.5 and a HPF is applied. This matches the AGV settings exactly.
  • in-game vending machines “outside” do not have this issue.
  • some digging in the code base reveals that possibly Allow Spatialization is being set to true for slate sounds, making me think slate sounds are either instantiating at [0,0,0] and playing “2D”, or that there is some inconsistency between how slate sounds are being played back and how they interact with audio game play volumes.

Is it possible that AGVs are reading Slate sounds as somehow “External” and applying external volume and filtering settings? That is the observed experience.