Excuse me.
Could someone tell me what is the difference between Update Sun Direction and Refresh Material in SkySphere Blueprint?
Hey @capiori
I would say that RefreshMaterial is an advanced method of updating your Skysphere.
UpdateSundirection (Check for DirectionalLight, otherwise use SunHeight):
- LightDirection
- SunColor
- HorizonColor
- ZenithColor
- CloudColor
- HorizonFalloff
- SunHeight
- LightDirection (either with or without DirectionalLight)
- SunColor (either with or without DirectionalLight)
- HorizonColor (either determined by SunPosition or not)
- ZenithColor (either determined by SunPosition or not)
- CloudColor (either determined by SunPosition or not)
- HorizonFalloff (either determined by SunPosition or not)
- CloudSpeed (can be adjusted)
- SunBrightness (can be adjusted)
- SunHeight
- CloudOpcaity (can be adjusted)
- StarsBrightness (can be adjusted)
In general RefreshMaterial contains what UpdateSunDirection is doing + some extras. You can try both functions if you change this in the ConstructionScript:
If you now update the SkySphere material with this button:
You can see the difference.
To change your sun position select the LightSource or DirectionalLight in your Outliner
and in your Viewport press and hold CTRL+L to move your sun.