
is there a program or something for making skybox’s? I have the 6 picture files. what can I use to put them together?

A traditional skybox consists of 6 images, which are mapped onto the 6 faces of a cube. It sounds like you already have this?

Are you trying to convert the 6 images into a single texture, to map onto a sphere (cubic projection -> equirectangular)?

This can be done in a compositing package, if you have access to one (nuke, fusion, etc). I think autoPano, ptGui, or other panorama stitching software should be able to do this as well.

If your 3D package can render spherical cameras, you can also map the images onto a classic skybox (a cube), and then render out a lat/long image - set your resolution to be twice as wide as it is high.

Does that help?

I have one already but its showing lines.


and when I import the cubemap into UE4.


its showing lines as well but yet when I export the cubemap it doesn’t have them. so i’m wondering is it UE that’s doing that or the program that i’m using. I do have the individual 6 pictures. so I could try putting them together myself.

this is the demo file from spacescape right? basically, you have them oriented the wrong way around. im at school right now, but when i get home ill edit this post with a link to one thats lined up