January 16, 2024, 9:20pm
Right eye
With lumen
Without Lumen
Left eye
Hello, I’ve noticed a weird amount of noise in the right eye then trying lumen in VR.
I have tried to change:
Rendering →
Instanced stereo (no visible changes)
Mobile Multi-view (a little better results) (Mobile HDR is off)
TAA to TSR (TRS is more smudgy and neither is fixing the issue)
Reflection RTX to Lumen and back (doesn’t resolve the issue)
Ray traced shadows off made it much better, issue is still noticeable
January 16, 2024, 9:42pm
I made scene less complex and the issue disappeared
So I guess this noise was coming from atmosphere
Point Light
Light from Sun
I’m not going to delete this thread because for unknown reasons sunlight noise is only on the right eye and this was really confusing.
March 5, 2024, 3:04am
Same problem here, unfortunately I don’t have a sky atmosphere so I can get rid of. Tried a bunch of things, the only thing that works is disabling hardware ray tracing, but I definitely need that. Did you manage to solve it ?