Have to make a little announce to fellow developers and plugin users - I’m currently in the process of relocation from Russia. I’ll still be here in support mode, but sometimes I can answer slower than usual, and I’m sorry about that. It could take about a month. Wish me luck.
@caterinabattisti hm, I personally never tried nDisplay. Can you please check if it can display Volumetric Clouds at all, at a default new level “Time Of Day”? Something tells me it doesn’t related to Sky Creator directly.
@Gliptal yeah, I’m able to reproduce it and I get the same error. Interesting and kinda unexpected. Seems like code needs some minor changing. I’ll try to make a hotfix maybe in nearest days, but can’t really promise it because of relocation. Sorry! Hope it’s not too urgent.
I confirm that the issue is more generally caused by Volumetric Clouds. Thank you and best of luck with the relocation!
It isn’t, don’t worry. Good luck!
New 1.22 update for Sky Creator is out!
- Added Camera Velocity Alignment effect for Rain FX
- Added Moon Phase Light Intensity Scale
- Moon Disk color (or “Atmosphere Disk Color Scale”) is now independent of Moon Intensity and Moon Light Color
- Precipitation FX is now rendered before DOF
- Increased default Rain Splash amount x2
- Fixed crash when trying to change Sun or Moon Position Type variable of a blueprint child of Sky Creator
- Fixed Rain Splash fading
New “GPU Precipitation” update 1.23 for Sky Creator is out!
Available for Unreal Engine 4.26-4.27 and 5.0.
- Added GPU Precipitation Particles feature
- Added Motion-based Alignment & Elongation for Precipitation particles
- Added Unified Gravity settings for Precipitation particles
- Added Constant Sun & Moon Intensity
- Redesigned Rain, Rain Splash and Snow materials (better blending with a scene and better visibility)
- Deleted “Distant Precipitation” feature (replaced by GPU Precipitation)
- Deleted “Index of Refraction” settings
- Deleted “Rain Length Min” and “Rain Length Max” variables are obsolete now
- Replaced “Gravity Min” and “Gravity Max” with a single “Gravity” variable
- Renamed “Camera Velocity Alignment” to “Camera Motion Alignment”
- Changed “Snow Spawn Rate Max” default value to 1000
- Changed some minor default weather preset settings
- Declared some functions as virtual
- Fixed Occlusion Capture not happening at the level load
- Fixed “Niagara Shader Module Delegate Never Set” crash in packaged builds
Great, looking forward to checking the new rain.
Any additional info on this? In my tests the intensity was already constrant, the only thing that changed was the angle.
Before this you could change Sun & Moon Intensity only in weather presets, but now it can be controlled from Sky Creator directly. In the “Sun Light” and “Moon Light” categories there are new variables “Sun Intensity” and “Moon Intensity”, which you can mark as constant (this is by default now), so it will not be read from weather presets.
Hi, I have some question in use SkyCreator.
In Sky Creator, I found that the “Longitude” range is different from UE’s builtin “Sky Position”. SC is -90 to 90, UE is -180 to 180. So if I need SC’s Longitude set to “104.333”, what should I do?
Besides, where is SC’s “north offset”? Or it is not necessary in SC?
My SC version: 1.2.3
Hello! It’s a known bug, just a very silly oversight from me. It’ll be fixed in the next update.
If you comfortable with editing source code, this is where it hides. But in order this to be recompiled you will need to copy plugin folder to your project folder.
“SkyCreatorPlugin/Source/SkyCreatorPlugin/Public/SkyCreatorActor.h” line 336
Need to replace this:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = “Sun & Moon Position|Real Position”, DisplayName = “Longitude”, meta = (UIMin = “-90.0”, UIMax = “90.0”, ClampMin = “-90.0”, ClampMax = “90.0”))
By this:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = “Sun & Moon Position|Real Position”, DisplayName = “Longitude”, meta = (UIMin = “-180.0”, UIMax = “180.0”, ClampMin = “-180.0”, ClampMax = “180.0”))
OK, Thanks for your reply! I’ll give a shot!
hello -
i am getting an odd error from the skylight component whenver i enable real time capture in UE5. ever seen this? haven’t figured out how to get rid of it. see the screen shot.
first started seeing it in a project i moved up from UE4. i tried a test project from scratch and still see it. very odd.
**edit - i fixed this, i reinstalled 5.0.1 and sky creator. was playing around with nanite settings and may have changed an engine mesh to nanite, couldn’t find it again to switch it back. clean slate fixed it.
Hey There! Has anyone experienced this banding artifact when rendering png using the MRQ? It only happens when I’m using SkyCreator.
Is it possible to modify the volumetric cloud material (M_SC_VolumetricClouds_GCO_MSAOC2) in the material editor? Or maybe swap it out? Any insight is much appreciated, Thanks!
Custom materials aren’t yet supported but you can modify it as you wish. Though it can be restored back again after an update, so try to keep a backup. What are your ideas to modify it by the way?
Awesome, @Dmitry_Karpukhin Thanks for the quick reply! I just wanted to add in some lightning effects for now. I saw you have some planned for a future update, but I didn’t have time to wait unfortunately
I want to create a timelapse animation. I can play with the Low cloud map and High cloud map but I cannot find my way to animate them in the sequencer for a cinematic look.
Hi Dmitry!
I recently bought and installed Sky Creator and am using it with UE5.0.3 and I’m having a lot of fun! There is an issue I am running into. I am finding these types of artifacts on my assets that disappear as the camera gets closer to them. These assets do not have Nanite enabled. Any tips with this?
I’m sorry for the very late reply, but no idea what is it about. Probably stupid to ask, but did you figure out this issue?
Sorry for the late reply myself! I think I need to take another look later, not sure if it was resolved or not.
I do have another issue I was hoping to get your help on!
I moved my project that uses Sky Creator from one PC to another and the project now crashes if I try to load it with the Sky Creator Plugin enabled. This is the error I’m getting, wondering if you know how to clean this up? It seems to me it’s trying to reference files that are on a different drive (that is not on my new computer).
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000050
UnrealEditor_SkyCreatorPlugin!USkyCreatorWeatherPreset::GetWeatherPresetSettings() [D:\build\U5M-Marketplace\Sync\LocalBuilds\PluginTemp\HostProject\Plugins\SkyCreatorPlugin\Source\SkyCreatorPlugin\Private\SkyCreatorWeatherPreset.cpp:31]
UnrealEditor_SkyCreatorPlugin!ASkyCreator::UpdateSettings() [D:\build\U5M-Marketplace\Sync\LocalBuilds\PluginTemp\HostProject\Plugins\SkyCreatorPlugin\Source\SkyCreatorPlugin\Private\SkyCreatorActor.cpp:1745]