Sketchup to Unreal

This is not the point here, your answer is the opposite of something encouraging for people looking for help. If you don’t know how to help in this subject then…

Hey guys, I’m kind of late to the game, but I am a SketchUp developer. I was one of the devs for V-Ray for SketchUp, but I’m doing freelance these days. Do you think anyone would pay for a SketchUp extension that would export to Unreal? If there’s enough interest, or if someone wants to hire me to write it, I might be up for the challenge after I wrap up the project I’m currently on.

Id love to see it happen!

This would speedup content creation for surely many developers!

OMG of course people will pay for such extantion.
unreal has the potential to change architecture with VR. it is essential that unreal and sketchup will be compatible.
epic doesn’t realize how much architects are using sketchup… they are missing a huge market.
who needs VRAY when unreal gives you the same quality but in realtime and vr.

So?? Even there any extension for export yet?

I disagree, any serious Sketchup user is probably using the Pro version which has FBX export, I don’t think the demand is that big if there is any at all.

That would be great! :slight_smile: Are there any news?

I found this youtube series on how to do SketchUp to Unreal properly, didn’t test it myself yet, but I hope it helps!

Any progress on this extension? Sure could use it.

I suppose this is an old thread, but has anyone tried PlayUpTools?
They have some game exporters and one of them is to Unreal 4

Before I commit time to a project I’d like to know what my best move is.
I have like, 3dmax 2008 but am more proficient with SU.
No Blender experience.

I use PlayUp tools and it is doing a good job and is a big time saver. It may have some problems with complex or rounded single geometry. In this case it can help to use the integrated UV calculator.
But I use PlayUp mainly for buildings, landscape and straight furniture like kitchens, tables or cabinets.

It says on the website “Sketchup 2016”, is that what you use?
I wonder does it work for earlier versions.