Sketchup Datasmith Sync Materials Problem

I’m having a problem when I import a scene into Unreal from Sketchup and I make changes to the materials. If I go back to sketchup, make any changes, and re-sync, it overwrites anything I did in unreal and I lose all my new material changes. I tried editing directly inside the mesh and that didn’t make a difference.

It should follow the method described here

Did you modify your materials in Sketchup?

Any changes I make to materials that I import are overwritten. For example if I make a material that I imported from Sketchup emissive within Unreal I lose those material changes when I reimport. But, if I put entirely new materials in place of the old ones then they stay. This is the only workaround I’ve come up with so far.

which unreal version are you using? and sketchup datasmith exporter version?

Using Unreal 5.2. The current data smith exporter. The problem is explained in the reimport workflow. Any changes you make within the imported materials imported will be replaced when you re-import. However – if you replace with new material, it sticks.