someone can help me with Sketchfab upload limit? I have a business account and so my limit should be 500Mb, but RC tell me I have to simplify because the limit is 50Mb…
How to solve this?
Thanks in advance,
someone can help me with Sketchfab upload limit? I have a business account and so my limit should be 500Mb, but RC tell me I have to simplify because the limit is 50Mb…
How to solve this?
Thanks in advance,
A fix for that appears to be in this post
Hi everyone,
I encountered the same problem as Daniele…I applied the above fix
…but tough luck the issue persists …did a restart too after applying the registry change.
I have a sketchfab premium account allowing for up to 500MB uploads.
Anyone clue at all,?
Regards, Sabry
Hi to everyone, I tryied using suggest fix but the problem remains: we have a PRO Sketchfab account with 500Mb limit per model but RC still report my limit is 50Mb… Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance,
Same issue here as Daniele Mion. Premium account but it says it’s limited to 50mb.
Hey there,
I’m the original user from the post linked in this thread. This problem has resurfaced and the suggested fix no longer works! Can anyone suggest a solution?
Any update?
Hello there,
we are sorry for the inconveniences.
Sketchfab has recently released new account plans and we haven’t implemented them yet to our application. When the app receives unknown account type, it considers it as ‘free’ account and that is what happens in this case.
We have discussed this with Sketchfab and we are preparing fix for the next release.
Thanks for understanding.
I’m currently having this exact issue. I’ve reset the program settings with no success. Is there a fix or solution to reset the limitation cap?